Get ready for the celebration: App State Graduation 2017 is around the corner!


Celebrate the Class of 2017 at Appalachian State University's Graduation Ceremony. Watch the livestream and share the excitement with #AppState17.

Graduation season is here, and one of the most highly anticipated events is the App State Graduation 2017. As graduates gear up for the big day, the excitement is palpable. The Appalachian State University located in Boone, North Carolina, has a long-standing tradition of producing top-notch graduates, and this year's class is no exception. With over 3,000 students graduating, it's a momentous occasion that marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

For many students, graduation represents the end of a chapter, but it's also a time for new beginnings. As they move on to the next phase of their lives, the possibilities are endless. Whether they're starting their careers, furthering their education, or embarking on new adventures, the future looks bright for these graduates.

As the ceremony draws near, excitement is building on campus. The air is electric with anticipation, and it's not hard to see why. Graduation is a time for celebration, and this year's event promises to be one for the books. From the cap and gown to the speeches and awards, every aspect of the ceremony is designed to honor the hard work and achievements of the Class of 2017.

One of the highlights of the App State Graduation 2017 is the keynote speaker. This year's speaker is an accomplished individual who has made a significant impact in their field. Their words of wisdom and inspiration will undoubtedly resonate with the graduates as they embark on their journey into the real world.

Another exciting aspect of graduation is the opportunity to reconnect with fellow graduates. For many, college was a time of growth, learning, and camaraderie. As they come together to celebrate their achievements, the memories of their time at App State will come flooding back.

The graduation ceremony is just the beginning of the celebrations. After the event, graduates and their families will have the opportunity to attend various festivities throughout the weekend. From receptions and parties to photo ops and sightseeing, there's no shortage of activities to enjoy.

For some, graduation can be bittersweet. Saying goodbye to friends, professors, and the campus itself can be difficult. But it's important to remember that the relationships formed during college are enduring. As graduates move on to their next chapter, they can take comfort in knowing that they'll always have a connection to App State.

As the ceremony draws to a close, the feeling of accomplishment is palpable. The graduates have worked hard to reach this point, and it's a moment that they'll cherish forever. With their diplomas in hand, they're ready to take on the world and make their mark.

The App State Graduation 2017 is an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. From the graduates to their families, friends, and professors, it's a time to celebrate and reflect on all that has been accomplished. As one chapter ends and another begins, the future looks bright for the Class of 2017.

In conclusion, graduation is a milestone that represents the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. The App State Graduation 2017 is no exception. With over 3,000 graduates, this year's event promises to be a celebration of achievement, growth, and new beginnings. As the graduates move on to the next phase of their lives, it's important to remember the lessons learned, the friendships formed, and the memories made during their time at App State. Congratulations to the Class of 2017!


Graduation is one of the most important events in a student's life. After years of hard work, sleepless nights, and countless exams, it's finally time to walk across the stage and receive that well-deserved diploma. This year, Appalachian State University held its graduation ceremony on May 12, 2017.

The Venue

The graduation ceremony was held at the Holmes Convocation Center, which is located on the university's campus. The venue is a state-of-the-art facility that can accommodate up to 8,325 people. The center has hosted many events over the years, including concerts, athletic competitions, and other ceremonies.

The Graduates

Over 3,000 students graduated from Appalachian State University this year. These students came from all over the country and the world to attend one of the most respected universities in the United States. The graduates were made up of both undergraduate and graduate students, each with their own unique story to tell.

The Ceremony

The graduation ceremony began at 10:00 am and lasted for approximately two hours. The ceremony included speeches from university officials, as well as the presentation of diplomas to the graduates. There was also a musical performance by the university's choir, which added to the celebratory atmosphere of the event.

The Speakers

The graduation ceremony featured several speakers, including the university's chancellor, Sheri Everts. In her speech, she praised the graduates for their hard work and dedication, and encouraged them to use their education to make a positive difference in the world. Other speakers included faculty members and student leaders, who shared their own experiences and offered words of wisdom to the graduates.

Graduate Success Stories

Many of the graduates had inspiring stories to share about their time at Appalachian State University. Some had overcome significant challenges to earn their degree, while others had pursued unique paths of study that had led them to unexpected opportunities. Regardless of their individual journeys, all of the graduates had one thing in common: they were ready to take on the world.

The Dress Code

Graduation is a formal event, and as such, there was a dress code in place for the ceremony. Graduates were required to wear a cap and gown, as well as appropriate footwear. Family and guests were encouraged to dress appropriately as well, with business attire being the recommended dress code.

The After-Party

After the graduation ceremony, many of the graduates attended an after-party that was held on campus. The party included food, music, and plenty of opportunities for the graduates to celebrate with their friends and family members. It was a chance for everyone to relax and enjoy the moment after months of hard work and preparation.

The Future

As the graduates left the Holmes Convocation Center, they embarked on a new chapter in their lives. Some would continue their education, while others would enter the workforce or pursue other opportunities. Whatever their path, the graduates of Appalachian State University were well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.


The 2017 Appalachian State University graduation ceremony was a success, and a testament to the hard work and dedication of its graduates. With their diplomas in hand, these students are now poised to make a positive impact on the world, and to achieve their full potential in whatever they choose to do. Congratulations to the Class of 2017!

A Celebration of Success: The App State Graduation 2017Graduation ceremonies are a time-honored tradition in the United States, and they are typically filled with pomp and circumstance. Appalachian State University held its 2017 graduation ceremony on May 12th, and it was truly a celebration of success. The commencement ceremony was held at the Holmes Convocation Center, which was packed with proud parents, family members, professors, and fellow students who had come to celebrate the achievements of the graduates.Commencement Ceremony: A Memorable Day for App State GraduatesThe graduation ceremony was a memorable day for all the graduates of App State, and for their families and friends who came to celebrate with them. As the graduates walked down the aisle in their caps and gowns, the crowd erupted in applause. The atmosphere was electric, and the graduates could feel the anticipation and excitement in the air. It was a day they had been looking forward to for years, and they were finally here.The ceremony began with a procession of faculty members, followed by the graduates. The graduates were seated in the front rows, while the faculty members took their seats on the stage. The ceremony was led by Chancellor Sheri Everts, who welcomed everyone to the ceremony and congratulated the graduates on their achievements.Graduation Speakers: Inspiring Words for App State Graduation 2017One of the highlights of the graduation ceremony was the keynote address by Dr. David L. Cook, a renowned author and motivational speaker. Dr. Cook spoke about the importance of setting goals and achieving them, and he encouraged the graduates to be fearless in pursuing their dreams. His words were inspiring, and the graduates listened intently as he spoke.The other speakers included the student speaker, who gave a heartfelt speech about the experiences she had at App State and how they had shaped her as a person. The faculty speaker also gave a speech, in which he congratulated the graduates and reminded them of their responsibilities as educated individuals.The Graduation Attire: Dressing Up for App State GraduationThe graduation attire is an important aspect of the ceremony, and it adds to the overall sense of accomplishment and pride. The graduates wore black caps and gowns, with tassels that signified their degree. The faculty members also wore traditional academic regalia, which added to the formal atmosphere of the event.Many of the graduates also wore stoles or cords, which represented their involvement in clubs, organizations, or academic honors societies. These accessories were a way for the graduates to show off their achievements and be recognized for their hard work.Graduation Day Schedule: A Busy Day for App State GraduatesGraduation day was a busy day for the graduates, and it involved many activities in addition to the commencement ceremony. The day began early with the graduates lining up for the procession, which took place at 9 am. After the ceremony, there were many photo opportunities with family and friends, as well as group photos with fellow graduates.The graduates also had to return their caps and gowns, which they had rented for the occasion. This involved waiting in line for a while, but it was worth it to be able to return the attire and take home their degree.Graduation Photos: Capturing Memories of App State Graduation 2017Graduation photos are an important part of the celebration, and they allow the graduates and their families to capture the memories of the day. Many families hired professional photographers to take photos of the graduates, either before or after the ceremony.The graduates also took many photos themselves, using their smartphones or cameras. They posed with their friends, family members, and professors, and they took selfies in their caps and gowns.Graduation Gifts: Meaningful Presents for App State GraduatesGraduation gifts are a way for family members and friends to show their love and support for the graduates. Many of the graduates received thoughtful gifts, such as framed photos, engraved jewelry, or personalized keepsakes.Some graduates also received money or gift cards, which they could use to start their post-graduation life. Whatever the gift, it was a meaningful way for the graduates to remember their graduation day and the people who supported them along the way.The Graduation After-Party: Celebrating with App State GraduatesAfter the ceremony, many of the graduates and their families went out for a celebratory meal or drinks. It was a time to relax and unwind after the hectic day, and to enjoy each other's company.Some families hosted after-parties at their homes, where they could continue the celebration with food, drinks, and music. It was a way to mark the occasion and to recognize the hard work and dedication that had led to this moment.Alumni Association: Welcoming App State Graduates to the CommunityThe Alumni Association is an important part of the App State community, and it provides a way for the graduates to stay connected to the university and to each other. The association offers networking opportunities, career services, and social events, and it encourages graduates to stay involved in the university and to give back to the community.Moving Forward: What's Next for App State Graduates After Graduation?Graduation is just the beginning for the graduates, and it marks the start of a new chapter in their lives. Many of the graduates will be starting new jobs, while others will be continuing their education in graduate school.Whatever their plans, the graduates of App State have a bright future ahead of them, and they are well-prepared to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As they move forward, they can take pride in their achievements and remember the lessons they learned during their time at App State.

My Point of View on App State Graduation 2017

The Pros of App State Graduation 2017

1. The ceremony was well-organized and ran smoothly, with clear instructions for graduates and their families.

2. The keynote speaker, a successful alumna, gave an inspiring speech that motivated graduates to pursue their dreams.

3. The venue, Kidd Brewer Stadium, provided ample space for graduates and their families to attend the ceremony comfortably.

The Cons of App State Graduation 2017

1. The weather was hot and humid, and many graduates and families were uncomfortable sitting outside for hours.

2. Some graduates felt that the ceremony was too long and would have preferred a shorter program.

3. The parking situation was difficult, causing some families to arrive late or miss parts of the ceremony.

In my opinion, the pros of App State Graduation 2017 far outweighed the cons. While the weather and parking situations were less than ideal, the organization of the ceremony and the inspiring keynote speaker made it a memorable event. Overall, I feel that App State Graduation 2017 was a successful celebration of the hard work and achievements of the graduates.

Congratulations to the App State Graduating Class of 2017!

As the academic year comes to an end, we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the graduating class of 2017 from Appalachian State University. This year's graduation ceremony was a memorable experience filled with excitement, joy, and accomplishment. It was a day to celebrate the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of our graduates.

The ceremony began with a procession of the graduates, followed by the singing of the national anthem. The keynote speaker, who was a well-known alumnus of the university, gave an inspiring speech that motivated the graduates to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact in the world. As each graduate walked across the stage to receive their diploma, the crowd erupted in applause and cheers of support.

We are proud of each and every one of our graduates, and we know that they will go on to achieve great things in their chosen fields. Whether they are starting their careers, pursuing further education, or taking a gap year to explore the world, we are confident that they will make a difference in their communities and beyond.

For many of our graduates, this is just the beginning of their journey. They have worked hard to get to this point, but there is still much to be done. We encourage them to continue learning, growing, and pushing themselves to be the best versions of themselves. We believe in their potential and know that they will make us proud.

To the families and friends of our graduates, we want to say thank you. Your support, encouragement, and love have been instrumental in helping these students reach their goals. We know that your pride and joy are overflowing, as they should be. We hope that you will continue to support and guide them in their future endeavors.

As we bid farewell to our graduates, we want them to know that they will always be a part of the Appalachian State University family. They have left their mark on this campus, and we will always be grateful for their contributions to our community.

Finally, we want to remind our graduates that they are capable of achieving greatness. We believe in them, and we know that they have the skills, knowledge, and passion to make a difference in the world. As they embark on this new chapter of their lives, we wish them all the best and look forward to hearing about their successes.

Congratulations again to the App State graduating class of 2017. You have worked hard to get to this point, and we are honored to have been a part of your journey. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you will stay in touch with us as you achieve your dreams.

People Also Ask About App State Graduation 2017

What is App State Graduation?

App State Graduation refers to the commencement ceremony held by Appalachian State University to celebrate the graduation of its students.

When was the App State Graduation 2017 held?

The App State Graduation 2017 was held on May 12th, 2017.

Where was the App State Graduation 2017 held?

The App State Graduation 2017 was held at the Holmes Convocation Center on the Appalachian State University campus in Boone, North Carolina.

How many students graduated from App State in 2017?

A total of 4,197 students graduated from Appalachian State University in 2017.

What degrees were awarded at the App State Graduation 2017?

At the App State Graduation 2017, degrees were awarded in a variety of fields, including business, education, fine and applied arts, health sciences, humanities and social sciences, and science and technology.

Did App State have any notable speakers at the Graduation 2017?

Yes, the App State Graduation 2017 had two notable speakers: Dr. Sheri N. Everts, the university's chancellor, and Charles M. Peacock, a retired professor of English who was awarded the W.H. Plemmons Leadership Medallion.